วันอาทิตย์, กุมภาพันธ์ 05, 2549

Why We Need Gitmo

'Cause this is what happens when they get locked up in indiginous prisons:

USS Cole attack mastermind escapes prison

A man considered a mastermind of the USS Cole bombing that killed 17 sailors in a Yemeni port in 2000 was among 23 people who escaped from a Yemen prison last week, Interpol said Sunday.
The international police agency issued an “urgent global security alert” for those who escaped Friday from the prison via a tunnel. It called the escapees “dangerous individuals.”

...Interpol said in a statement that at least 13 of the 23 escapees were convicted al-Qaida fighters, who escaped via a 140-yard-long tunnel “dug by the prisoners and co-conspirators outside.”
[MSN here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11172994/ ]

Good work by the Kingdom of Yemen, apparently "not noticing" a 420 foot tunnel being dug on the outside of a prison holding high-value convicts.

Nowhere to go if you are gonna try to flee Gitmo - shark-infested waters or the People's Paradise of Cuba...no surprise I haven't heard much about escapees....
