วันพฤหัสบดี, กุมภาพันธ์ 16, 2549

Europe: On Their Own?

Lots 'o blogs linking to Victor Davis Hanson's latest,What Will Europe Really Do?; an essay about Europe's realization of, and response to, the Islamist threat. If you please, my choice excerpt is below:

..by letting the Europeans take the lead with the Iranian negotiations, and keeping nearly silent about the cartoon hysteria, the United States essentially has told the Europeans, “Here is the sort of restrained sober and judicious global diplomacy that you so welcome.”

Because of slated troop withdrawals from European bases, and a new American weariness with the old anti-Americanism, some Europeans are beginning to recoil at the idea that they might well be on their own—and in a war against fanatical enemies that they have appeased and without rational friends that they have estranged.


Welcome to the real world, EU member states...not so easy to be quasi-philosphical poseur pacisifists when your burly protector has left your side, tired of barbs about his brains and his brawn. I can almost hear the cold wind whistling by as Europe stands dumbly alone, wondering how they got here...
