วันพุธ, กุมภาพันธ์ 15, 2549

Hamas Gears up For War

From Debka, two stories of note:

Hamas leader Mahmoud a-Zahar declares Palestinian war on Israel will go on...

Spelling out the incoming Palestinian government’s agenda, a-Zahar said: We will not recognize Israel; our armed struggle will go on until all of Palestine is “liberated;” we will abrogate the Oslo accords and all the agreements the PLO and the Palestinian Authority signed; all negotiations with Israel must go through a third party; we don’t need money from Israel or “the Satan;” Arab nations will give us money; we have long-range missiles.

Great! Let's hope the EU keeps those loans and grants coming, as to finish the job they failed at in WWII: The extermination of the Jews! Hey, why not help Iran build a reactor to make those nukes it can't wait to use on Israel? Oh, wait, Russia is already on it....
And Fatah, not to be outdone, wants to show that even out of power, by golly, they can still kill Jews too:

DEBKAfile’s military sources: Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah terrorist arm, al Aqsa Brigades has got hold of new 207mm Katyusha rocket....The menacing Russian-made rocket, which the Palestinian terrorists have dubbed Aqsa 2 or Aqsa 207, arrived in the Gaza Strip last week through northern Sinai. It extends the range of Palestinian rocket fire from the Gaza Strip to a maximum of 16-18 kilometers. Well within this range are Ashkelon and its port, power and oil pipeline installations, as well as the southern Israeli towns of Ofakim and Netivot.

Maybe this is how they will decide the next election, by Israeli civilian body counts.... not quite ready for civilization, these Palestinians...

Debka: http://www.debka.com/index.php

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ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

most amazing is that Israel is giving tax reciepts to these monsters - why help finance your murderers?