วันอาทิตย์, กุมภาพันธ์ 26, 2549

Europe, Struggling to Awaken...

Is the murder of Ilam Halami enough to rouse Europe? The French are arising; last week they showed some support for Denmark; today, they march again:

Tens of thousands of people have marched through Paris to protest against racism and anti-Semitism after the kidnap and murder of a young Jew.
Ilan Halimi, 23, was found naked with horrific injuries, three weeks after he was kidnapped by an extortion gang.
Marchers on Sunday lit candles and released white balloons in his memory.

Its a typical European response to violence, the candles/flowers/prayers/balloon thing; but are they ready to actually fight the battle ahead, or will they de-evolve back into...Frenchmen?

Mark Steyn thinks we'd better watch out:

Something very remarkable is happening around the globe and, if you want the short version, a Muslim demonstrator in Toronto the other day put it very well:
''We won't stop the protests until the world obeys Islamic law.''

Stated that baldly it sounds ridiculous. But, simply as a matter of fact, every year more and more of the world lives under Islamic law: Pakistan adopted Islamic law in 1977, Iran in 1979, Sudan in 1984. Four decades ago, Nigeria lived under English common law; now, half of it's in the grip of sharia, and the other half's feeling the squeeze, as the death toll from the cartoon jihad indicates. But just as telling is how swiftly the developed world has internalized an essentially Islamic perspective. In their pitiful coverage of the low-level intifada that's been going on in France for five years, the European press has been barely any less loopy than the Middle Eastern media.

...Islam claims universal jurisdiction and always has. The only difference is that they're now acting upon it....

And it's not just France; via EUROSOC, we learn:

Four out of 10 British Muslims want sharia law introduced into parts of the country, a survey reveals today.
The ICM opinion poll also indicates that a fifth have sympathy with the "feelings and motives" of the suicide bombers who attacked London last July 7, killing 52 people, although 99 per cent thought the bombers were wrong to carry out the atrocity...

...Overall, the findings depict a Muslim community becoming more radical and feeling more alienated from mainstream society...

Will this growing Muslim population in Europe (kept unassimilated due to that swell liberal policy of "mulit-culturalism), actually be able to force sharia into Western law? Will Jew-killing become the norm? Again, from Steyn:

In five years' time, how many Jews will be living in France?

Not many, I'd reckon - better off in the relative safety of Israel - or in the USA!

And this is the danger of the media's fear of offending Muslims - will the Islamist's backwards notions of society become rule of law without a dissenting editorial? Are the editorial boards of a thousand newspapers so yellow with fear, so indoctrinated into leftist theology, that they would betray their own countrymen to servitude so as to (briefly) save their own necks?
Think of those who died on 9/11, and those who died, from Flight 93 to Afghanistan to Iraq in the time since, in the name of freedom from Islamist Fascism.
Then take note how the mainstream media, worldwide, have surrendered to them without a whimper...

UPDATE: The Church of England, dhimmis to the last, are already handing over their Jews (an old European custom, dating back at least to the Black Death of the 1300's) while singing their new master's song...From the New York Daily News:

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, the head of the Anglican church worldwide, was among those who voted earlier this month for church financial advisers to "disinvest from companies profiting from the illegal occupation...
As for vicars who pushed for the divestiture of the $4.2 million worth of Caterpillar stock... "One has to question whether their anti-Zionism doesn't harbor at its very roots a form of anti-Semitism."
The Rev. Stephen Sizer, a prime mover behind the anti-Caterpillar vote, is unrepentant. In a letter to Britain's Independent, he hailed the synod for refusing "to be intimidated by those who like Chicken Little cry 'anti-Semitism' whenever Israeli human rights abuses in the occupied territories are mentioned."

Hurt Israel's finances, claim "occupation" and 'human rights abuses"...good dhimmis!!! Now wag your forked tails for a treat...
Note no mentions of the "abuses" involved in terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians, or the recent surge in attacks against Christian targets by Muslims worldwide...a good dhimmi never mentions these things, oh no...
The Midwest Conservative Journal follows this story closely...

1 ความคิดเห็น:

Scott กล่าวว่า...

As an Episcopalian, I've seen a schism in my church. Sadly, it seems to be getting worse.