วันอาทิตย์, ตุลาคม 02, 2548

Brought to you by the Religion of Peace!


Suicide bombers were behind the three attacks in Bali which killed as many as 26 people and wounded 122, the island's police chief said on Sunday...Three separate bombs tore through restaurants packed with Saturday evening diners, many of them foreign tourists. Two were at outdoor seafood eateries on Jimbaran Beach and one at a steak bar at Kuta Beach, an area surrounded by popular shops.

Now Cliff May, writing on NRO's blog The Corner:

The al-Qaeda affiliate, Jemaah Islamiyah, is suspected. You’ll recall that JI also attacked predominately Hindu Bali (part of predominately Muslim Indonesia) three years ago.

Since the 2002 attacks, Jemaah Islamiyah has been tied to at least two other bombings in Indonesia, both in Jakarta. Those blasts, one outside the Australian Embassy in 2004 and the other at the J.W. Marriott hotel in 2003, killed at least 23. …The group wants to establish an Islamic state across Southeast Asia.

But maybe Indonesians should ask themselves: “Why do they hate us?”

Maybe they should change their foreign policies.

Maybe they need better public diplomacy to win hearts and minds.

Or maybe those on the post-humanitarian Left and the neo-isolationist right need to think about what attacks such as this one tell us about the goals of Militant Islamism.

Where are the humanity-loving peace protesters now? What does their silence in the face of these attacks tell us about the true goals of the so-called "antiwar movement" , and of America's radical left?

The Corner link: http://corner.nationalreview.com/05_09_25_corner-archive.asp#078197
Before anyone uses the phrase "the religion of peace" again, I would click here: http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/
