วันเสาร์, ตุลาคม 01, 2548

Air America goes buh-bye in Philadelphia!

Via The Radio Equalizer:

Al Franken and Randi Rhodes are getting the boot from Philadelphia airwaves, as WHAT-AM (1340) is pulling off programming from Air America, the liberal talk-radio network. Friday will be the last day, and a new WHAT lineup will begin Monday, said general manager Kernie Anderson, adding that "things were not working out" with Air America after about a year.

WHAT aired Air America's programming from noon to 7 p.m. weekdays, sandwiched between the rest of its lineup. The juxtaposition of liberal talk and WHAT's African America-targeted talk programming seemed an odd fit from the start.

Ratings were abysmal.

And yet they tell me that Philadelphia is a liberal city; or maybe it just appears to be so because the ballot boxes already come pre-stuffed. This sleazy network, which fraudulantly heisted funds from a freakin' charity group to stay afloat, is going down, fast. It's all part of a conservative plot, I'm sure...

Link here: http://radioequalizer.blogspot.com/2005/09/more-thursday-updates.html
