วันอาทิตย์, กันยายน 18, 2548

Now, about that "Global Warming" theory...

Jeebus, all those SUV's in use during the Forties must have really messed up the atmosphere; just look at all those hurricanes! And how about the Sixties - must have been all those hippie vans that caused such a large number of "very strong" hurricanes in that decade... I mean, what else can it be? A natural recurring cyclical phenomenon? Oh, please!!

Someone ought to show this little chart to Al Gore - it is amazing that Mr. "Earth in the Balance" has no understanding of atmospheric science whatsoever. But like any "true believer", he'll keep prattling on with his mystical mutterings about some so-called "Global Warming Effect"; while we here at Right, Wing Nut! will just stick with the facts...

Courtesy of No Parasan!; link here: http://no-pasaran.blogspot.com/2005/09/more-bursting-pustules-than-ever.html
