วันพฤหัสบดี, กันยายน 08, 2548

Katrina: The Poll Results Are In!

From Drudge, the first poll numbers are in on the blame game; and many a smug smile is going to be wiped off an editor's facehttp://www.drudgereport.com/flash.htm :

A CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll of 609 adults taken September 5-6 shows:

Blame Game -- 13% said George W. Bush is "most responsible for the problems in New Orleans after the hurricane"; 18% said "federal agencies"; 25% said "state and local officials"; 38% said "no one is to blame"; 6% had no opinion.
-- 29% said that "top officials in the federal agencies responsible for handling emergencies should be fired"; 63% said they should not; 8% had no opinion.

More Government Performance
-- 10% said George W. Bush has done a "great" job in "responding to the hurricane and subsequent flooding"; 25% said "good"; 21% said "neither good nor bad"; 18% said "bad"; 24% said "terrible"; 2% had no opinion.
-- 8% said federal government agencies responsible for handling emergencies have done a "great" job in "responding to the hurricane and subsequent flooding"; 27% said "good"; 20% said "neither good nor bad"; 20% said "bad"; 22% said "terrible"; 3% had no opinion.
-- 7% said state and local officials in Louisiana have done a "great" job in "responding to the hurricane and subsequent flooding"; 30% said "good"; 23% said "neither good nor bad"; 20% said "bad"; 15% said "terrible"; 5% had no opinion.

Jeepers, I wonder why this hasn't come over the wire services yet? And why do I have the feeling if the numbers were reversed, there would already be analysis out on "the failure" of the President?

Despite all the horrendously negative media coverage, which played the blame game and the race card as Americans were dying in droves all along the Gulf Coast, Americans decided that the evil BushHitler did not cojour up a storm over Africa (with Satan's assistance ) and guide it (using his dark powers) over the poorest and blackest city he could find, and laugh with his oil buddies as the poorest died. Sorry, Mainstream Media, but we are an informed electorate. We'll make our own judgements, thanks.

FYI we miserly, cheapskate, racist Americans have currently donated over $465 million dollars to our fellow countrymen in need (see tally here http://blog.simmins.org/2005/09/katrina-americans-aiding-americans.html). We take care of others, we take care of our own.

The papers tell me to feel shame; but today, I am quite proud to be an American.

UPDATE: American Racism, Uncovered! See the horrible slideshow of hate here : http://soapbox.townhall.com/story/2005/9/6/165052/2340
