วันเสาร์, เมษายน 30, 2548

More bad news for the Democrats...

The Washington Times talks about why Bush beat Kerry by about 20% among married voters with children http://www.washingtontimes.com/op-ed/20050427-083110-6340r.htm ...first, a good point about the immature liberal mindset:

Liberal students, egged on by aging counterculture professors, throw pies in the faces of Pat Buchanan, Bill Kristol and David Horowitz to stop any talk of tolerance and academic freedom. Pies in the face suggest the throwers have nothing to say...

Now, what influences parents more, pies in the face or ideas?

A new study by the Progressive Policy Institute, the policy arm of the centrist Democratic Leadership Council, describes a "parents gap." Many Democrats who might have voted for a Democrat didn't vote for Mr. Kerry because they liked what Mr. Bush was saying about the way the entertainment culture makes it difficult for parents "to protect their kids from morally corrosive images and messages." Many of these parents were liberal when they were younger, but have discovered "lifestage conservatism." They're impatient with Democrats who refuse to put away childish things. As parents they connect with the adult community, develop religious affiliations and are more likely to vote for candidates who show respect for right and wrong.

Maybe if they threw more pies...meanwhile, in a column in today's Slimes, Tom Tiernery again shows who's serious in the battlefield of ideas http://www.nytimes.com/2005/04/30/opinion/30tierney.html :

Democrats have good reason to be aghast at President Bush's new proposal for Social Security. Someone has finally called their bluff.
They tried yesterday to portray him as just another cruel, rich Republican for suggesting any cuts in future benefits, but that's not what the prime-time audience saw on Thursday night. By proposing to shore up the system while protecting low-income workers, Mr. Bush raised a supremely awkward question for Democrats: which party really cares about the poor?

And the Democratic response?

...Democrats don't talk about much these days except the glories of the New Deal. They know that Social Security doesn't even have the money to sustain a program that leaves millions of elderly people in poverty. But it's their system, and they're sticking to it.

But I thought the Democrats were the self-proclaimed party of the intellectual elite? If pie-throwing and name-calling is the best our brainy "superiors" can come up with, it's no wonder America has turned to the Republican party. Dick Cheny and John Bolton might not be the warmest and fuzziest guys, but it sure beats getting my intellectual nourishment from a party fronted by Rosie O'Donnell, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Michael Moore and Jimmy Carter...
