วันพุธ, เมษายน 20, 2548

Boston Globe hates Pope, Columbia hates Jews...

That’s right, get your racist two-for-one here! The Boston Globe, clown prince of the looney left-wing media, gives us a cartoon http://www.boston.com/news/globe/editorial_opinion/oped/wasserman/ mocking the new pope as a conservative curmudgeon. Sweet Jebus, can you give the guy 15 minutes before you start tearing him down? And look at those poor liberal Catholics in the cartoon…why can’t the Pope, as well as the American people, just bend down to their will already?

To add further insult, perennial angry man Derrick Z. Jackson pens this essay
/the_catholic_church_steps_backwards/ (sorry, you may need to cut/paste link):

WITH THE election of Joseph Ratzinger to be Pope Benedict XVI, the Catholic Church is not joining the 21st century anytime soon. After all the speculation that it was time for a pope from a developing country and after the debate of whether the conclave of cardinals would pick someone who would build bridges toward the church's outcasts and second-class citizens, the church fled to yesteryear, hoping to avoid facing today.

Only a liberal can be “progressive”; right, Derrick Z.? I don’t read a lot of this schmuck’s work, but whenever a decision, or election, goes against Derrick’s views, it is because people are always “fleeing” from something, taking refuge in fear, turning their backs - anything but accepting people are rejecting a liberal idea on its (lack of) merits.

The cardinals made a choice so cautious as to verge on the callous. If Ratzinger's past words guide his rule, his papacy has the potential to irritate and inflame religious and cultural tensions around the world.

So the new Pope is already to blame for “inflaming racial tensions” ?? C’mon…who’s really inflaming tensions, Derrick? Not sure? Look in the fr**kin’ mirror, dope! And hey, thanks for giving more unsubstantiated ammunition to the enemies of the Judeo-Christian culture!

And speaking of Judeo…Columbia University continues to wave its anti-Semetic flag high, now that it has whitewashed itself with internal probes that few take seriously. According to Campus Watch, http://www.campus-watch.org/article/id/1970 , the department of Middle East studies has decided to honor vile anti-white, anti-Jew “poet” Amiri Baraka :

Columbia University's Middle East Institute recently sent out invitations for an event honoring Amiri Baraka, Campus Watch has learned.

Baraka, born LeRoi Jones, is known for his writings on jazz, but more for his Marxism and anti-Semitism. As the poet laureate of New Jersey Baraka created a firestorm with his poem "
Somebody Blew Up America," a diatribe accusing Israelis of having been warned of the destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. When Baraka rebuffed calls for his resignation, New Jersey lawmakers responded by abolishing the position of poet laureate.

Baraka's anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism reach
far back into the 1960s, as does his violent animosity to whites, American society, and the West as a whole.

Well, why shouldn’t they? As long as Columbia continues to condone the activities of these violent anti-semites on their staff, there is every reason to expect these esteemed professionals will just continue to dial up their hate. Columbia, of course, will deny this is the result of liberal policies; they will just blame it on the Jews (again).

Thanks to great the great Democrats in the state of New Jersey for giving this hate-monger a title! Do you want to know the difference in morality between the two political parties today? Baraka is what the Democratic Party considers a poet laureate.

UPDATE: If you want a positive view of the new pope, and discussion of the great challenges he may face, see this article http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/?entry=15532_Pope_Benedict_XVI-_Enemy_of_Jihad&only=yes via LGF…will the new pope be to radical Islam what John Paul was to communism?

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ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Who cares what a so-called liberal catholic LEADERs????in the US think. pro abortions fucks like kerry.and so-called catholics polosi, kennedy would rather be suckin each other off that obey the teachings of the church in which they try to get votes. So who's Kennedy suckin off these days is it possibly his boss Sorrel or is he hummin the publishers of the neo marxist rag the Boston globe/////////////////////////