It was a dark and stormy November night. An icy wind whistled through leafless moonlit trees....
Horror films, like the 2012 Presidential race, are a chilling reminder that we are vulnerable in our own homes, that trusting strangers can be very dangerous, even those strangers who appear to be the perfect father or husband-to-be...or harmonizing president.

In the end, the 2012 election looks like a nail biter. The incumbent, despite being one of the most unpopular politicians in decades, stays ever-so-close by dint of a huge ill-gotten war chest and a compliant media that not only refuses to shine light on his misdeeds, but prints negative, entirely false stories on his opponent and his or her political party.
So, like any good film, the 2012 election develops a plot twist.
The fiscally conservative, law and order candidate who was supposed to save the nation from economic ruin and charge forcefully to victory is recast as the menacing villain. Is it because he is black? Or maybe a woman? Perhaps he/she speaks with a Texas twang? A Southern drawl? Or perhaps they just belongs to a different religion, one which is now besmirched with accusations of sexual misconduct and racial hatred, all in the name of protecting the evil sitting in a White House on Pennsylvania avenue...
But our brave candidate trudges on, gallop turned to a jog, jog to a walk, walk to a limp. And as he drags himself towards the finish line, over what many believed to be his opponent's political grave, a hand reaches up through the dirt, and grabs his ankle. The hand of Barack Obama? His brownshirts, also going by the tagline #OWS? Or the last ditch effort of the mainstream media? We never find out...
But, at the end of the movie, a bruised but still breathing Barack Obama walks the White House halls for four more years, and the electorate wakes up the next morning with a sick, sinking feeling in their stomach, unable to believe this is really happening, unable to comprehend that the monster will walk freely at home and abroad in our name for another four years, disposing of our money, our jobs, and our lives as he sees fit...all while they realize that it is we who set this monster lose to feast upon us, and the world...
Inspired by a piece written by - of all people - Carla Kartz, former union head and ex-lover of former New Jersey governor and now soon-to-be on-the-run Jon Corzine. Written about his last election, where it was Chris Christie trying to make it to November in one piece.
That story wound up with a happy ending, as the Mad Jon Corzine took his reign of terror across the river. Let us hope that "The Tale of the 2012 Election" ends equally well....