วันศุกร์, สิงหาคม 17, 2555

The 2012 Enthusiasm Gap: More Like A Chasm...

Check out the anemic voter registration numbers for Democrats in key swing states, compared to the robust growth of Republican rolls:

In stark contrast to 2008, when a strong partisan tailwind propelled Democratic voter registration to record levels, this year Republican and independent gains are far outpacing those of Democrats.

At the same time, GOP registration has jumped by 145,085, or more than double for the same time four years ago. Independent registration has shown an even stronger surge, to 229,500, almost three times the number at this point in 2008.

The Globe points out that in Florida this past Wednesday, the Democrats held 53 events to spur voter registration, and in Virginia last weekend, closer to 80.  Not quite the return on their investment that they had expected.

But certainly, that could be true of everything Obama touches, from the Stimulus to GM to Solyndra...

All part of the ever-growing preference cascade,  which will give us a Romney/Ryan landslide  - one that will make the 2010 midterms seem like a squeaker in comparison...

Update: It begins...
