วันจันทร์, มกราคม 31, 2554

If we can ban offshore drilling post-BP, why not close the abortion clinics after Gosnell?

Little Miss Atilla begs the question:

Is there an analogy to be made between the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill last year and the Gosnell abortion clinic scandal in Philly a few weeks ago? Because most of my friends on the left felt pretty strongly last summer that a dramatic failure to enforce regulations meant any given industry should be largely shut down until new guidelines could be drafted.

The New York Times, which supports the moritorium on drilling that is starving the Gulf Coast, raising gasoline prices through the roof, and damaging our national security, provided an immediate answer, on the same day Miss Atilla makes her innocent inquiry:

Away from Washington, another ominous anti-abortion battle is accelerating in the states. Anti-abortion forces have been trying to take advantage of the 2007 ruling in which the Supreme Court upheld a federal ban on a particular method of abortion.

November’s elections made the outlook even bleaker.

...This math greatly increases the prospect of extreme efforts to undermine abortion access with Big Brother measures that require physicians to read scripts about fetal development and provide ultrasound images, and that impose mandatory waiting periods or create other unnecessary regulations.

Such restrictions, combined with a persistent atmosphere of intimidation and violence....

Americans who support women’s reproductive rights and oppose this kind of outrageous government intrusion need to respond with rising force and clarity to this real and immediate danger.

One can not blamed for wanting to burst out in laughter after hearing the Times complain about "Big Brother measures", after all, isn't that the sum total of their precious ObamaCare? As for the persistent atmosphere of intimidation and violence, well...maybe if the Times would obey the laws of the "new civility" and stop inciting such hatred with words like "ominous", "extreme", and "danger", maybe their cadres on the Left would cease their violent outbursts.

But that's not the point, really. Let's just change a few words in the NYT editorial and see how easy it is to clarify the dark heart of the Left:

"Within Washington, another ominous anti-energy battle is accelerating in the states. Radical Green forces have been trying to take advantage of the 2010 "temporary" moratorium on oil drilling...

...This math greatly increases the prospect of extreme efforts to undermine energy exploration and access with Big Brother measures....

Such restrictions, combined with a persistent atmosphere of intimidation and violence....(no change needed here!)

Americans who support oil independence, job creation, low energy prices, and national security and oppose this kind of outrageous government intrusion need to respond with rising force and clarity to this real and immediate danger."

So looking through the prism of the Times' filthy mirror, we learn that -

Cheap oil that spurs the national economy and lifts everyone's standard of living: EVIL

Putting even the slightest restrictions on abortions, to prevent recurrences of the Gosnell clininc scandal: EVIL

Killing unborn babies wantonly and in massive numbers: GOOD

Miss Atilla, does this answer your question? At the very least, it clearly spells out the moral divide between even simple economic conservatism and the human carnage that is liberal philosophy.

And that is why we have a culture war well underway. And that is why it won't remain "civil" - because we won't shut up, and we will continue to point out their hypocrisy and lies, and demand they explain their morality to us - if they even can....
