วันจันทร์, มกราคม 31, 2554

Americans reject Obama's SOTU, and everything in it...

...and embrace the Tea Party. The LA Times is even more perplexed than Gallup is, but they at least report the story straight:

An earlier post-speech Gallup Poll found the president's assertion that the troubled economy is "poised for progress" was rejected by a majority of Americans, who say the economy is actually still worsening....

Although historically relatively little of State of the Union speeches actually come to fruition, Gallup found widespread doubts about some other assertions by the Democrat:

Contrary to the Obama administration's offshore drilling moratoriums, two-thirds of Americans favor a new energy bill to expand domestic exploration and drilling.

The president outlined a vast new program to rebuild what he called a "crumbling" infrastructure. Americans oppose more stimulus spending and think reducing the deficit is much more important.

Americans oppose giving existing illegal immigrants "a path to legal status" and prefer halting the flow of illegal immigrants before addressing the problems of those already here.

And on Obama's proudest achievement, his signature healthcare legislation, only 13% like the idea of keeping it as is. Everyone else favors minor changes, major changes or tossing out the entire thing.

Other than that though, the president's 62-minute speech seems to have gone over really well.

And even 50% of Democrats agree - It's time for Tea:

A new Gallup Poll out this morning finds that 71% of Americans, even many who do not think highly of the "tea party," say it's important that Republicans should take the its positions into account.

Gallup appears puzzled by its findings: While only 6% of Democrats call themselves "tea party" supporters and only 11% hold a favorable view of it, more than half of Democrats still....

... think it's important the GOP work the movement's views into Republican programs. Perhaps some hope the tea party will help weaken the GOP, despite increasing support for the tea party's fiscal conservatism as deficit fears mount.

Yeah. The Tea Party hurt the Republicans so much in November that they were limited to a takeover of only 63 seats in the House and a half-dozen in the Senate, a historic landslide. Not to mention the tremendous flip of statehouses from Left to Right...

The LA Times does offer a propohecy of sorts:

Developing support for tea party positions as well as listening could augur large trouble for Obama's reelect next year.

Not to mention blinking helplessness in the face of a revolution in Egypt that can change the face of the Middle East for generations, and not necessarily in a positive way.

But as far as listening goes, Barack Obama
doesn't seem to be doing much of that - either to the American people, the new Republican majority, or the few fiscal hawks in his own party:

President Barack Obama will send a multitrillion budget to Congress on Feb. 14, administration spokesman Kenneth Baer said, setting up a conflict over spending that may dominate a divided Congress for the rest of the year.

The budget for fiscal 2012 is a political document that will put into precise language the administration’s priorities for increasing economic growth and creating jobs...

Just what the American people want. Looks like Obama's first serving of Tea will be piping hot...

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There are plenty of valid criticisms of President Obama, but anybody who tries to spin Michelle Bachmann as anything other than a disgrace to the Republican Party loses all credibility.

Nowhere does is say that the American people are "rejecting" the SOTU for people whose group was created out of racism.

The more the GOP gives the microphone to people like Bachmann and Palin, the more Obama's approval ratings will continue to climb. Even most smart Republicans are starting to realize that these two have nothing to offer.

At this rate, Obama won't have to make the case that he has the answers to all of our problems in order to win re-election in 2012. He will just have to seem like the sane, reasonable adult in the room.