วันพุธ, กันยายน 02, 2552

Senator Shilling ?

This could throw a real curveball into the assumed succession of (Democratic) political royalty into the seat formerly held by Teddy Kennedy:

Curt Schilling, the former major league pitcher who won the allegiance of Bostonians by leading the Red Sox to the 2004 World Series, said Wednesday that he has "some interest" in running for the seat held for nearly 50 years by Democratic Sen. Edward M. Kennedy.

Schilling, a registered independent and longtime Republican supporter, wrote on his blog that while his family and video game company, 38 Studios, are high priorities, "I do have some interest in the possibility."

Schilling told New England Cable News that he has been contacted "by people whose opinion I give credence to," but he did not elaborate. He declined to comment when The Associated Press called his office.

A registered independent, a certified New England hero. That's change. That's hope. And this is what the Tea Party movement is - or should be - about. Getting citizens back into politics, as the founders intended it to be. Not a nation ruled by a self-described liberal elite, but a people ruled by...themselves.

Go for it, Curt.

2 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

In Mass. we are used to Left wing nuts...he would be a nice change!

Steve from RI กล่าวว่า...

Go for it Kurt! If any non democratic machine person has a shot in Mass.....It's him!

New England loves the Red Sox more than politics.

I'll mobilize! I'll volunteer! and I live in Rhode Island!