วันพุธ, กันยายน 23, 2552

New Jersey's Taxes Are Nation's Highest. Corzine Vows To Make Them Higher!

And maybe that's why he's constantly 7-8 points down in the polls. Anyway:

New Jersey continues to have the highest property taxes in the nation.

The Tax Foundation analyzed Census figures and determined Garden State homeowners put 7 percent of their paychecks toward property taxes in 2008. New Jersey's median property tax bill was $6,320. The group found six of the nation's 10 most expensive counties were in New Jersey. Hunterdon County property owners paid a median bill of $8,492, or third-highest in the country.

And what does Corzine have to say about that? The Philadelphia Inquirer quotes him:

Neither candidate would go into deep detail on plans for handling the next budget, saying they would wait to see where the state's finances stood next year.
"Taxes should be a last resort," Corzine said, though he would not rule out increasing them.

And that brings us back to the polls:

Republican challenger Chris Christie still holds a seven-point lead - 48% to 41% - over incumbent Democrat Jon Corzine in the race for New Jersey governor.

Corzine continues to be plagued with low job approval ratings and high negatives. Just 38% approve of the way he is performing his role as governor while 61% disapprove. That latter figure includes 45% who Strongly Disapprove.

On a personal basis, 39% have a favorable opinion of Corzine while 60% say the opposite.
For Christie, the numbers are 48% favorable and 46% unfavorable. But only 22% have a Very Unfavorable opinion of Christie compared to 39% who offer such a negative assessment of Corzine.

Seems like even the residents of Deep Blue Jersey don't enjoy being forced to lower their standard of living in order to provide sustenance to the liberal welfare state.

A lesson for Obama here, as he plans to raise taxes on energy, heath care, and soda?

Nah. He's too smart to learn anything anymore....
