วันอาทิตย์, กรกฎาคม 26, 2552

That Crashing Sound? Obama's Poll Numbers...

How many Democrats are going to follow this sinking ship into the abyss? From the Rasmussen Twitter feed:

...following press conference. Strong approval of Obama unchanged... strong disapproval up from 35% to 40%... http://tinyurl.com/preztrack

Obama: Strongly Approve 29% Strongly Disapprove 40%... Approval Index at new low... -11 ... http://tinyurl.com/preztrack
26% give President good/excellent marks for his response on Cambridge cop incident... 46% say poor... http://tinyurl.com/RR0403

And how's this good work by our great post-racist...oops, I mean post-racial - president:

71% of African-Americans rate president's response good or excellent... just 22% of white voters agree... http://tinyurl.com/RR0403

Nice way to divide instead of unite...but I guess nobody else had a dad who told them (in reference to beloved big-leaguers leaving the home team via free agency), "When they say it's not about the money, you'd better believe it's only about the money".

When Obama says it's not about him, and it's not about race...you'd better believe it's all about him, and all about his race. What else did he ever have to run on? Ideas?

