วันพฤหัสบดี, กรกฎาคม 23, 2552

New Jersey Does Corruption Right!

Or perhaps I should say "Left", based on the party affiliations of the New Jersey officials arrested in a corruption and money-laundering scam that has netted at least 44 people (as of now):

Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano - Democrat
State Assemblyman L. Harvey Smith - Democrat

State Assemblyman Daniel Van Pelt - Republican
Secaucus Mayor Dennis Elwell - Democrat
Jersey City Deputy Mayor Leona Beldini - Democrat
Jersey City Council President Mariano Vega - Democrat

Jersey City Council candidate La Vern Webb-Washington - Ran as Independent
Former Assemblyman Louis Manzo - Democrat
Jersey City fire arson investigator Robert Manzo -NA
Jersey City Health Officer Joseph Castagna -NA
Guy Catrillo - Democrat
Lori Serrano - ran on a Democratic mayor's slate last election
Hudson County Official Jimmy King - ran on a Democratic mayor's slate last election

Chairman of Jersey City 9/11 Committee John Guarini - Republican
Jersey City Housing Commissioner Edward Cheatem - No party identification given but donated to $600 to Barack Obama last cycle (assume Democrat)
Ridgefield Mayor Anthony Suarez - Democrat
Strategist Joe Cardwell - Democrat
Political Consultant Jack Shaw - Democrat
Richard Greene - aide to Democrat L. Harvey Smith

Former State Senate Candidate Dennis Jaslo - Independent
Lakewood Housing Inspector Jeffrey Williamson - Democrat
Former Councilman Vincent Tabbachino - Democrat


16 Democrats, 2 Republicans, 2 Independants, and a few n/a's (probably Democrats, in this blue state). Typical.

Feel a bit confused? Maybe because you read
this story, which only identifies the party affiliation of Mr. Van Pelt (R! R!), and helpfully omits the affiliation of all 17 Democrats.

The release from the Attorney General office is
here. Was the brokering of human organs involved? Seems so, based on the charges. No wonder the government wants to get its hands on health care - lots of organs can be harvested from folks denied medical care!

But all kidding aside, the indictments at the link are horrific. Read it all....

And if you're wanting a schadenfreude moment, let's watch the frog-march!

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Erica กล่าวว่า...

Rabbis too...such a shonda.

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Nice. They'll all get a slap onna wrist, and be back at it by next week.
