วันศุกร์, มิถุนายน 26, 2552

Sarah Palin in a Flight Suit? Yummers !

With tabloid icons Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett passing away within hours of each other, and with Congress about to levy the largest tax increase in the history of Western Civilization on US citizens, and with the rule of law steadily eroding daily (whether it be inspector generals being axed by the president, or that same president strong-arming committees to back off his ACORN thugs), there is nothing more important right now than....

Pictures of Sarah Palin in a flight suit.


Sarah is on board the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis....

She looks just poured into that flight suit, incidentally. And why does she look so much more convincing in miltary garb than either Barack Obama or Joe Biden?

Maybe, because unlike the other two, she knows how to handle a weapon. And maybe, because unlike the other two, she has actually fired a weapon.

But mostly, it's becuase it seems like she is enjoying herself, and is comfortable with the trappings of the military. Barack and Silly Joe B. seem so out of place next to our armed services that you can see the discomfort on their faces, and hear the impatience in their voices. After all, they are busy men, what with all the taxes that need to be raised....

Sigh...she could have been ours, but we blew it.

Sorry, Sarah. I miss you. Won't you please give us another chance to do the right thing?

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Unknown กล่าวว่า...

"Barack and Silly Joe B. seem so out of place next to our armed services that you can see the discomfort on their faces"... really? i guess when you've got literally nothing for ammo, you go with this.. yes Sarah Palin smiles when she's with the military, irrefutable proof that she'd be a perfect vice president... r u fkn kidding?? we'd be in a sever depression right now if it weren't for obama.. u must like the idea of waiting 2 days to spend your whole paycheck on a loaf of bread.. but i guess recognizing that would require a morsel of forethought, something non-existent in the modern republican mind.. i really do try to see the other side of issues, the opposing view point, but when i read drivel like this it just reaffirms in my mind the futility that exists in trying to apply logic to any republican line of "thought"

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

And 3 yrs later.......what a mess obama has us in now.......get this "empty suit"...."vacant chair" out of office NOW!!!!!