วันจันทร์, มิถุนายน 15, 2552

Another Know-Nothing Loyalist Appointed By Obama !

You thought the appointment of Brian Deese - zero business education, zero business experience and zero auto industry experience - to dismantle GM based on his slavish loyalty to Barack Obama was a bad move? Then you'll love who he appointed to lead the DOJ's Tax Division:

Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee voted today to move ahead with the nomination of Mary Smith to head the Justice Department’s Tax Division, over Republican objections that Smith lacks significant relevant experience.

At a committee meeting, three Republican senators spoke against Smith, noting that she has never held a job specializing in tax law. She has never written or spoken on tax issues, does not have a specialized degree, and has never taken a continuing legal education course in tax law, said the committee Ranking Member Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.).

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) called Smith the “worst choice” that President Barack Obama has made in all of his appointments....No Democrats spoke in defense of Smith before voting for her, though Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) noted that the committee has received letters supporting her nomination ....

So why would Barack Obama give young Mary a job like this? Maybe it's because the rest of her resume indicates she marches in goose-step with the presidents leftist ideology:

Ms. Smith has litigated in various state and federal courts, including the United States Supreme Court, where she filed an amicus brief on behalf of several members of Congress in support of the University of Michigan’s affirmative action programs.

Ms. Smith served in the Clinton White House as Associate Counsel to the President and Associate Director of Policy Planning where she was responsible for a number of policy areas including domestic violence, equal pay, homelessness, transportation safety, food safety, Internet gambling, Native American issues, civil rights issues, and hate crimes.

Now it makes sense! For Obama, I mean, who is striving for ideological purity throughout the adminstration. Average Americans who might now be singled out for taxation crimes based on the color of their skin and their socio-economic class might be excused for questioning his wisdom.

Someone should; for it doesn't seem like anyone in his own party is willing to...
