วันพฤหัสบดี, พฤษภาคม 07, 2552

Anti-Semitism Roundup - Thursday Edition

Sacre Bleu! Why not start with the French, who were the masters of the art until the Germans picked it up and did it better...

What your about to see is a video of Israel haters scouring a French supermarket to remove Israeli products from the shelf. There isn't a manager in sight. All the shoppers go about their business like it is 1942 Vichy France.

And just for an added kick in the balls:

This video is even more grotesque than you think. It was shot in a suburb of Paris called Aulnay-sous-Bois. The next-door town to Aulnay is called Drancy, about one mile away. Drancy was used by the Nazis between 1942-1944 as a deportation holding camp for the Jews of Paris prior to the deportation to the extermination camps in eastern Europe. Sixty-five thoursand Jews passed through Drancy, of whom 63,000 were killed. In other words, the Israeli boycotters have chosen, of all the supermarkets in France, the one closest to France's most important Holocaust memorial site.

"Never again", right? As meaningless a phrase in France as "cutting the budget" is in DC...

Next, we go to the West Bank, where Fatah is busted in an attempt to use the Pope as a prop in a morality play showing the world how wicked those damn Jews are:

A Palestinian official says the Palestinian Authority has scrapped plans to host Pope Benedict XVI next week on a stage near the West Bank separation fence.
Palestinian say they had hoped that receiving the pope next to a towering cement wall and military watchtower inside the Aida refugee camp would highlight their suffering under Israeli occupation.

How about posing the Pope next to the fence that seperates, say, Gaza from Egypt? Or even France from Albania? Ah, but without the Jews it's nothing!

And how's that peace process going these days? Everyone (well, the few remaining readers of the NYT) was abuzz at Hamas' Khaled Meshal's offer for a ten year "hudna" with Israel in an interview with the Times a few days ago. Meshal then showed how much weight his words have:

Militants in Gaza fired five mortar shells into southern Israel on Wednesday, and Israel retaliated with airstrikes on three smuggling tunnels along Gaza’s border with Egypt, the Israeli military said....

The military wing of Hamas claimed responsibility for the mortar fire, according to the Palestinian news agency Maan. On Monday, the Syria-based leader of Hamas, Khaled Meshal, told The New York Times in an interview that his group was not firing at Israel currently as “part of an evaluation of the movement to serve the people’s interest.”

Finally - do you want to see the Arab dream of "every Jew pushed into the sea" realized? The Times has a depiction from a French artist here...with their full support, of course.

It always seems to begin and end with the French, doesn't it?
