วันอาทิตย์, กุมภาพันธ์ 01, 2552

GOP = Grand Old Punk Rockers?

As a former long-haired ('80's era) rebel, the thought of Republicans as the party of punk rock in the age of Obama warms the very cackles of my heart...

Rock is dead. It has become part of the establishment Democratic party. Long live the few remaining rebel soldiers - RePunklicans:

The rebellious spirit of rock is dead. No better evidenced than by its formal endorsement of President Obama. Never before has rock been so central to the inauguration of a president.

But rock cannot be both establishment and anti-establishment. It can’t be a rebellious underdog while endorsing and distributing the status quo. And yes, President Obama is the status quo of unlimited spending and government expansion he supposedly opposed during the election …

...they still wear the earring and say “fuck” a lot to maintain street-cred among the academics, but now rock has taken sides — it is for the establishment. Same with journalism, the university and pop-culture. The left has become a cliché. They’re not “Arrested Development” they’re “Golden Girls” with a soul patch. Snore.

The arts have failed...There isn’t an original thought among them, just a thousand-mile stare, a blue logo and the drone-like vocabulary of emotive, vaguely inspiring chants.

Personally, I never believed that these "artists", musical or otherwise, really helped sway many people's votes anyway. Lots of people put up with the rantings at a concert because they want to be there and hear the music, the way you might put up with a really hot significant other's bullsh*t because...they're really hot.

Still, the rebellion against the bland liberal fascism of Obama has to start somewhere. Let's start casting the Right as the party of hard-rock rebellion against Obama's squishy '70s pop. Let's make it cool to be "Right", with our hair just a little longer, our attitudes just a little sharper, and a big f*cking middle finger in the air, pointed at that establisment icon, Barack Hussein Milhouse Obama...

3 ความคิดเห็น:

Erica กล่าวว่า...

Here, here, Brother JerseyNut! This post SPOKE to me. I'm in.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

I see a new FaceBook group....

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

nice..i wanna recommend this on my gothic profile....on gothicmingle...com