วันอังคาร, เมษายน 15, 2551

Obama: The Rich are Virtuous, The Middle Class are Idiots !

OK, the last word on Bitter Barack's bashing of Middle America comes from James Taranto at Opinion Journal, who catches the disconnnect between what Obama thinks of well-off liberals who vote their values, and middle to lower class conservatives who do the same:

The well-heeled San Francisco Democrats Obama addressed on Friday stand to pay much higher taxes if he is elected. Many of them no doubt back Obama because they like his liberal positions on subjects like guns, abortion and same-sex marriage. If you think Obama criticized their priorities, we've got some change you can believe in.

In Barack Obama's America, rich people who vote on cultural issues rather than economic self-interest are principled and self-sacrificing. People of more modest means who do so are credulous and bitter.

What a revolting man. A candidate for President of the United States? He's seems unqualified to even be a Senator...

2 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

He has spent much, if not most, of his time as a senator running for president.

He out-slicks Bill Clinton by a mile, in part because he has that extra layer of black teflon.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Just wait until the general election...Obama will get his clock cleaned; and imagine what he will say about voters THEN...
I think the "bitterness" has just begun!