วันศุกร์, เมษายน 25, 2551

Can't wait to see the resolution the U.N. passes...

....after they get hold of this (quite accurate) character assessment of Jimmy Carter made by Israel's ambassador to that august body:

Israel's ambassador to the United Nations on Thursday called former President Jimmy Carter "a bigot" for meeting with the leader of the militant Hamas movement in Syria.

Carter, a Nobel Peace Prize winner [do I detect reproachment from the AP?], "went to the region with soiled hands and came back with bloody hands after shaking the hand of Khaled Mashaal, the leader of Hamas," Ambassador Dan Gillerman told a luncheon briefing for reporters...

The ambassador called last weekend's encounter "a very sad episode in American history."

There will be a lot more chapters of our history written like the one above should another "refreshing" candidate of change smile and slick-talk his way into the White House...
