วันจันทร์, กันยายน 11, 2549

They Don't Show The Pictures Anymore....

...So I will:

Never Forget; never let the media equivilate Gitmo or Abu Ghraib with the horror that was unleashed upon us on September 11th, 2001. Will our generation be forced to keep the memory of that day alive (not unlike the burden carried by the dwindling survivors of the Holocaust), in a world that so badly wants to forget?

I will do my part; I swear it. I was there; I will never forget, nor allow it to be forgotten...

UPDATE: Charles Johnson asks that we bear witness; I concur.

Re-live the fog of the opening minutes of a war at Hot Air.

I 'm sorry I had the sound up for these videos; they are haunting, terrifying...

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I will Never Forget.

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I'm glad bloggers who can post pictures are posting these. Folks NEED to see them and be reminded just what kind of enemy we are fighting.

We need to take the gloves off and really get serious about this war and whip some taliban and al-qaeda BUTT