วันเสาร์, กันยายน 09, 2549

Granny Exercises Second Amendment Rights w/.357 Magnum!

From today's New York Daily News:

A pistol-packing Harlem granny turned the tables on a robber yesterday, busting out her registered .357 magnum and shooting the mugger in the elbow - while riding in her motorized scooter, cops said.

Feisty Margaret Johnson, 57, who has a dislocated hip and a herniated disk, was heading out for target practice about 3 p.m. when a career criminal came up behind her and went for her necklaces, sources said.
"There's not much to it," she said later. "Somebody tried to mug me, and I shot him."
The thief "walked past her, and came around and choked her," said Johnson's pal, Lynnell Bunce, 40. "He was going for her jewelry, and he got it. He didn't say anything - until she shot him."
Then the man cursed and fled from the scene outside 470 Lenox Ave., where the victim has lived for decades, Bunce said.

"I'm very tired. It was very scary," Johnson said as she later entered her building in her three-wheeled scooter with scratches on her neck and left hand. "I've had a very long day."
Police followed the trail of the wounded man's blood to a McDonald's restaurant not far from Johnson's building and arrested 45-year-old Deron Johnson, an ex-con with nine robbery arrests who is no relation to the victim, sources said.
He was in stable condition at Harlem Hospital last night, and charges were pending against him. The jewelry was recovered, officials said.
Margaret Johnson has a premises permit for the gun, a police source said, meaning she is allowed to keep the pistol in her home and transport it to a firing range.

Now, if the Democrats had their druthers, the likes of Ms. Johnson would never be allowed to be armed; she would just have to sit in her wheelchair and be mugged and assaulted by a nine-time felon with good grace, that's all. She would then be endowed with the liberal's highest honor, the status of "victim", and be shuttled into some taxpayer-funded victim recovery program. And of course, the lifelong thug who saw fit to prey on what he thought was an easy mark would get off the hook with a light slap on the tush - after all, aren't his crimes truly society's fault?

Let's see how the anti-gun nuts try to spin this one....
