วันอาทิตย์, กันยายน 24, 2549

Big Bill Clinton Meltdown!

From the Washington Post:

Former president Bill Clinton angrily defended his administration's counterterrorism record during a Fox News interview to be aired today, while accusing "President Bush's neocons" and other Republicans of ignoring Osama bin Laden until the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Clinton had planned to discuss his climate change initiative during his appearance on "Fox News Sunday," but he turned combative after host Chris Wallace asked why he hadn't "put bin Laden and al-Qaeda out of business." Clinton shot back that "all the conservative Republicans" who now criticize him for inattention to bin Laden used to criticize him for over-attention to bin Laden.

Oh, Bill, blaming all of your problems on a "vast right-wing conpiracy" again? (Ignore the masthead, please! - ed.) First, we forced you to seduce a fat chick just out of college, now we tricked you into ignoring terrorism for eight years? If only us neo-cons really had the powers the left ascribes to us....

Allegiance and Duty Betrayed:

Bill Clinton, in an interview with Chris Wallace to be aired on FoxNews Sunday (check your local listings), became incensed, and launched into a screaming harangue, when Wallace suggested that Clinton may have missed the chance to capture or kill Osama bin Laden.

As A&DB point out, He is even more red-faced and enraged than he was in the 'I ... did ... not ... have ... sex ... with ... that ... woman!' episode ...

And the same wagging finger.....
And the same denial of responsibility....

And so I cannot resist this:

4 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

That's just plain pathetic. Bush had eight months of complete inaction, while we (the intel community) were screaming that something big was going to happen, and Bush did nothing! He didn't even listen to us! I think that even if we had written the exact 9/11 attack plan in the PDB he still wouldn't have done anything.

If you don't belive that, just look at Bush's 'preparation' for Katrina!

At least Clinton tried. All that Bush did was indirectly kill 3000 Americans through his incompetence and inaction.

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Are you kidding? You and your fellow idiot nuts use Clinton as a scapegoat for Bush's incompetence. Clinton was dead-rig..er..correct about everything he said. This was not a meltdown, it was a man defending himself against a weasel who masquerades as a journalist and the rest of the conservative posers who use him to change the subject from their failed policies and joke of a leader. Most people have woken up, and finally realize the administration is to blame for falling asleep at the wheel, no one else.

Wipe your mouth Jersey Nut, you've got a lot of black on it from the boot.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

What is really pathetic is Bill Clinton blaming George W. Bush for being unable to do in eight months what he was unable to accomplish over eight years...
To hear Clinton babble about "secret plans to invade" and leaving behind "comprehensive briefs" (which Condi Rice flatly denied existed)was painful to listen to; a man vainly clutching at straws, willing to do and say anything, to preserve a place in history for himself.
To blame Bush for 9/11 is simply delusional, a refusal to recognize that Clinton's utter lack of response to any of the horrendous attacks launched against the United States over his tenure laid the groundwork for the attacks on September 11th. An attack whose perpetrators entered the US and begun training for while Bill Clinton was still in office...
And how is that Bush's fault, exactly?
Clinton's apparent infection by Bush Derangement Syndrome does not bode well for the Democratic party this fall...his reminder of the failures of liberal foriegn policy will cause many an American to hesitate before pulling the "D" lever in November.

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Hmm...Apparently the "Jersey Nut" is incapable of reading or thinking..He must live too close to one of those toxic waste sites!!