วันพุธ, สิงหาคม 10, 2548

File under: That'll Show 'em!

UN watchdog to urge Iran to resume nuclear freeze

Top nations of the U.N. nuclear watchdog will call on Iran Thursday to halt sensitive nuclear work it resumed this week but will stop short of calling on the U.N. Security Council' name to take action, diplomats said.

I'm sure the mullahs are shaking in their turbans right about now....

File under: Deceitful Liberal Headlines

Parties Ask if More Roberts Surprises Wait

Supreme Court nominee John Roberts didn't disclose that he once lobbied for cosmetics makers, or mention that he'd once given a TV interview about justices' independence. And questions about his connections with the conservative Federalist Society have lingered for weeks.

Wow! A TV interview about his profession? Political Dynamite! Curious, though, how this article does not mention the fact that:

A decade ago, John Roberts played a valuable role helping attorneys overturn a Colorado referendum that would have allowed discrimination against gays

Why ruin a hateful, fear-mongering headline with such troublesome things as the facts?

Iran link here: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050810/ts_nm/nuclear_iran_dc
"Surprises" link here: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050810/ap_on_go_su_co/roberts
Roberts link from USA Today: http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/judicial/2005-08-05-robertsgayrights_x.htm
