วันศุกร์, มีนาคม 25, 2548

Sacre Bleu!

Everyone's favorite Frenchman, Jacque Chirac, vomited out some bile this week....
The London Times enlightens us: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,542-1538838,00.html
"...EU summit meetings are rarely exciting affairs but can occasionally be enlightening, if depressing. The gathering that ended in Brussels yesterday falls squarely into that category. This was meant to be a showcase for major economic reform, but it instead served as the venue for the so-called Services Directive to be diluted at the insistence of Jacques Chirac on behalf of France, a stance supported by Gerhard Schröder for Germany....the directive has been attacked by the Socialist Party and the trade unions. Not to be outdone, M Chirac has jumped on the bandwagon, seized the wheel, and chose a dinner on Tuesday to condemn liberal [as in capitalist -ed.] market principles as “the new communism of our age”. "
How many people died under communism? 50 million? 100 million?
Nice for Chirac to compare us to them. Note Germany's slavish devotion to their new masters...
Why anyone is concerned about our faux alliance with these worms (Chirac es un ver!), I cannot imagine...
