For his current jihad against Goldman-Sachs - the mustache-twirling villains the Obama assumes he must have in order to convince dull-witted Americans that his pending financial reform package, like his health care reform package, is something they will grow to love - he has enlisted his cyber-warriors to commandeer all web traffic inquiring about the SEC charges against the investment giant and direct them to...him:

The White House's political arm paid for the keywords -- but would not say how much.
The tactic provided the latest evidence of how Obama and the Democratic National Committee are using the Securities and Exchange Commission's bombshell fraud suit against the financial giant to push financial-reform legislation through Congress.
The president's political operation says the Internet push bought up numerous other relevant search terms and phrases and started days before the SEC action against Goldman. They say they bought the term "Goldman SEC" after the lawsuit was filed.
The links -- some titled "Fight Wall Street Greed" -- led to the Web site of the White House's political arm, Organizing for America.
The page that users were directed to features a photo of Obama and the quote: "We've seen and lived the consequences of what happens when there's too little accountability on Wall Street and too little protection for Main Street. It is time for real change."
Not sure if Obama realizes that maybe it isn't in his best interest to be seen by casual web-surfers as a URL-hogging internet bait& switch scammer, trying to steal your click in order to direct you somewhere you have no interest in going.
But hasn't that been the modus operandi of this Administration from day one?
I'm curious, of course, how soon after the announcement was of the SEC's suit vs. G-Sachs that the White House web purchase team sprung into action? Thirty seconds, perhaps?
Just asking...they seem pretty well prepped on what was about to happen, that's all....
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