Garden State Patriot, in the comments in the post below, says "I think we need a NJ tea party. What say you?", and is followed shortly after by a anonymous commentator stating "Jersey never rises..."
Well, two things. I think the lack of visible outrage in Jersey is due to the fact that the conservatives in this state actually work, many in Manhattan, most in jobs that require long hours, thus making it difficult for them to organize the much-needed in-state rebellion. At least, that's the problem I face....
But it doesn't mean the rage isn't there. And in fact, Jersey has risen up in the past, and has had a "Tea Party" not dissimilar to the famed Boston Tea Party.
The year was 1774, and the location was Greenwich, New Jersey:

This part is classic Jersey as well:
The tea burners were sued twice, once by the East India Tea Company, and once by the man who was storing the tea. Little did the Brits realize 2 of the tea burners were brothers of the town sheriff, who just so happened to select the jury, and who just so happened to make his nephew the jury foreman. Nobody was found guilty The second trial was state appointed. Luckily for our band of burners, most of the jury was patriots, so they got off yet again.
Will the state of New Jersey arise again? I can't promise to organize it, but I can promise to take a sick day and show up with some serious signage....