First, we go to Antwerp, where rioting - instigated by the AEL (Arab European Leauge) - took aim at Jewish neighborhoods:
Gates of Vienna has more:
In recent days the Jewish community in Antwerp received a dozen death threats from Islamists...The Jewish community preferred to keep the death threats quiet. After it became known today that strangers tried to set fire to a Jewish home where 12 children live, the Antwerp Jews found it time to go public with the news...
In the comments on the Internet the anonymous writer says he will not hesitate to commit a suicide attack. “You are no longer secure anywhere. I know where to find you guys. A Child for a Child”....
Hmmm...his rage must be due to all that "Islamophobia" I keep hearing about (but never quite see). Anti-semitism is so 1970, apparently....
More attacks on children - boy, are those Muslims brave! - in Yemen:
The children of Yemeni Jews in Raida district of Amran province were assaulted on Sunday by Yemeni Muslim students due to the Israeli attacks on Gaza. Some Jewish children were injured, one seriously, when Muslim students threw stones at them in “solidarity with the Palestinian kids in Gaza”. Zaher Kafra, Jewish, was seriously wounded and immediately taken to the Raida Hospital for treatment.
This incident took place one day after the authorities announced that preparations for relocating the Jewish Community in Amran to live in the capital Sana’a following of threats members of the community have recently received.
Hmmmm..."relocating the Jews for their own safety" where have I heard that before?
OK, OK, so I am not-so-sublimely bringing Hitler and the Nazis into the picture. And maybe that's unfair - to Hitler. 'Cause Hamas is way, way worse. Ron Rosenbaum, the author of "Explaining Hitler", tells us why:
The Hamas founding covenant explicitly calls for the extermination of all Jews. Hitler never made total extermination an official plank of the the Nazi party platform.
Hitler made efforts to conceal the purpose of the death camps and distanced himself from them, avoided written as opposed to oral orders for the Final Solution. Hamas makes no effort to conceal the fact that it wants to kill Jewish civilians, not just combatants, but women and children–all Jews (it’s in the charter, remember)—because Hamas feels this will make them more popular.
Hamas calls for a system of law in which women are mutilated and murdered (sometimes beheaded) if they dare to transgress their inferior status under sharia law. Hitler consigned women to a subordinate “breeder” role for the most part but did not mandate their mutilation and murder as women if they sought an independent existence. Unless of course they were Jews.
The people of Germany supported Hitler, yet many still claim the Germans didn’t really know what he was doing to the Jews, gays, gypsies or his plans for other ethnic minorities. The people of Gaza voted Hamas in by a larger percentage than Hitler ever got. They knew that the Hamas charter called for genocide and supported Hamas attempts to kill as many Jews as they could.
There's more, much more, at the link. As the Jews burn in 2009's version of a global Kristallnacht, and the liberals parade in support of Hamas, will people really be able to claim in the future - after the innocent dead are buried - that they did not know what the Muslims really had in mind for the Jews, and for the West?
The "German excuse" carries very little weight as it is. The UN's, the EU's and the Left's excuse will carry even less....
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