The President of Iran denies the Holocaust ever happened, then gives us a wink and says boy-oh-boy you wanna see a real holocaust? Give me just a few more years... The Palestinians can't wait that long to commit genocide; this particluar brand of Islamic thug are just going with a low-tech effort in liu of nuclear weapons (remember how the Nazis started out gassing small groups of Jews in box trucks?), for the time being anyway:A Palestinian gunman killed eight people in a Jewish religious college in Jerusalem on Thursday, most of them students, and wounded about 10 others Police said the gunman walked freely into the yard of the school, a modern 5-storey complex, shot dead a guard and then sprayed bullets from an AK-47 rifle and a pistol at young men marking a festive period with study in a ground-floor library.
Most of the dead were in their 20s, police said. Emergency worker Yerach Tucker said he arrived quickly to see bloodied students run out of the seminary. "I went into the library and there were youngsters lying there, dead with Bibles, with holy books, in their hands," Tucker told reporters.And how does the religion of peace react to the slaughter of young scholars? Need you ask?
Found in the hands of one of the dead boys; the concrete result of appeasing the hatred of these monsters:
The Judeo/Christian Holy Book, covered with the blood of the innocent. Welcome to the future, as dreamed of by the Mullahs, and aided by the useful idiots in America and in Europe, who will simply bemoan the "cycle of violence" and call for another peace conference. Megan McAerlde says it best today...
To hell with the peacemakers...
And she wrote that before today's blood was spilled, incidentally.
I'm feeling a lot of good old- fashioned hatred today towards the murderous breed of humanity whom call themselves Palestinians. And I feel not a whit ashamed, because the hatred of evil is what makes (and keeps) a civilization civilized; accomodation with evil goes hand-in-hand with the breakdown of said civilization. The Palis, having embraced evil with all their black hearts (polls show 80% of Palestinian children seek death as "shahids"), are perhaps the most broken society existing on Earth today. And Israel, for its refusal to deal harshly with the Satanic force that taunts them from outside their Garden, is beginning to break down as well. Over at The Belmont Club, we hear how in Ashkelon, Israel, resident Moshe Nissimpor decided:
....that the best way to halt rocket fire from Gaza - in light of what he terms the government's failure to do so - is some vigilante justice. Nissimpor developed a homemade 200-millimeter ballistic missile which he planned to launch from Ashkelon into the Gaza Strip.
"From this day onwards, we will push back to the stone age every place which dares shoot missiles into Israel's sovereign territory," he said Wednesday. "It is time the world understood Israelis' lives are not expendable."
That's one of the saddest things I've read in a while. And again, it is down the road for all us if we do not continue to fight evil in hand-to-hand combat.
And remember, while Barack Obama claims to have no interest in meeting Hamas, in desiring to treat with Syria's Assad and with the madman of Persia, he sits with the spiritual fathers of the darkness that openly craves to devour us all.
And if Isreal is beginning to crack, what hope is there for any of us?
UPDATE: And the beat goes on:
Israel called Thursday's shooting a "massacre" but said peace talks would continue with West Bank-based Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who condemned the attack...