วันอาทิตย์, มิถุนายน 26, 2554

"...the dance of the low-sloping foreheads...."

A racist remark by a teabagging wingnut? A geography lesson from the Gaza Strip's highest-rated children's show, perhaps?

Nah. That's the New York Times' David Carr, talking about the residents of Missouri and Alabama, in an unbiased and impartial way:

New York Times columnist David Carr responds to Bill Maher implying Alabama and Kansas are not the "smart states."

David Carr: "If it's Kansas, Missouri, no big deal. You know, that's the dance of the low-sloping foreheads. The middle places, right? [pause] Did I just say that aloud?"

Yeah, you did, douchebag.  And if you don't believe it, video is at the link.

Incidentally, I lived in Missouri, about 35 miles out of St. Louis, in 1998-99. Remember landing at the airport and grabbing my rental with a grimace, expecting to have to weave my way through buck-toothed, slacked-jawed, John Deere riding locals on barely paved dirt and spit roads. Instead, I was sandwiched between Jaguars, BMWs, and Benzes on a nice five-lane highway.

Turns out that St. Louis has an incredible medical establishment, including some of the best children's hospitals in the world. And doctor money is doctor money, and they spend it, and so there were plenty of folks living quite nicely, with homes twice the size of a Jersey standard at half the price and with one-quarter the taxes. And they were quite happy to lead quiet, well-off, lives, undisturbed by the local governments and unseen by most of the nation.

Like folks such as the aforementioned David Carr, who obviously has never been to Missouri, but feels free to smear them with a semi-racial slur despite being in complete ignorance of who they are and what they believe.

Some background on David Carr below.   No surprise a guy with this much of hard-left background would make the asinine remarks above.  But the Times...this is their go-to "Culture" guy?  Jeez, those guys are even more far gone than I ever imagined: 

David Carr writes the Media Equation column for the Monday Business section of the New York Times that focuses on media issues including print, digital, film, radio and television. He also works as a general assignment reporter in the Culture section of The Times covering all aspects of popular culture.

Before coming to New York, Carr served as editor of the Washington City Paper, an alternative weekly in Washington D.C. for five years. From 1993 to 1995, Carr was editor of the Twin Cities Reader, a Minneapolis-based alternative weekly, and wrote a media column there as well...

3 ความคิดเห็น:

RhapsodyInBlue กล่าวว่า...

Thanks for the comments. I'm born and raised in St. Louis area. Much of the early space program was developed right here, in St. Louis, along with the world's greatest fighter jets, the F-15 and F-18. I knew liberals thought that way but, in a way, it's nice to hear them finally admit it in public. I guess the good news is to be this bold, the liberals must be panicking. I expressed my feelings to NYTimes email addresses and, hopefully, to Carr himself. What a joke. The NYT is a has-been, anyway, so I guess they're remaking themselves into sort of an on-line carnival or freak show. Watch what we low-sloping barbarians due to the liberal elite in November, 2012! Luckily, we "middle area" folks are at least smart enough to find the polling places and even count up the results!

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

You have to live in Missouri to appreciate it, I suppose (like we both did). And I was not aware of St. Louis' contribution of the space program; not bad for a bunch of "low slopes"...

Speaking of which, it turns out that our Mr. Carr is a crackhead. Literally. In his own words:

Every addict is formed in the crucible of the memory of that first hit. Even as the available endorphins attenuate, the memory is right there. By 1985, I tried freebasing coke and its more prosaic sibling, crack.

“Crackhead” is an embarrassing line item to have on a résumé. If meth tweakers had not come along and made a grab for the crown — meth makes you crazy and toothless — crackheads would be at the bottom of the junkie org chart. In the beginning, smokable cocaine fills you with childlike wonder, a feeling that the carnival had come to town and chosen your cranium as the venue for its next show. There is only one thing that appeals after a hit of crack, and it is not a brisk walk around the block to clear one’s head. Most people who sample it get a sense of its lurid ambush and walk away.

Many years later, my pal Donald sat in a cabin in Newport, Minn., staring into a video camera I had brought and recalling the crackhead version of me...

So take it from whence it comes, I suppose...

Via Althouse:


family portraits fort collins, co กล่าวว่า...

Such a nice site, which is interesting article. New York times which is a popular name in newspaper industry in which expressing yourself in society.