วันพุธ, เมษายน 06, 2554

Prosser/Kloppenburg: A Loss For The Left

As of now, this Wisconsin Supreme Court race is too close to call, with the incumbent conservative Justice Prosser leading by barely 600 votes over liberal firebrand/avowed judicial activist/admitted union tool JoAnn Kloppenburg.

The fate of Governor Scott Walker's agenda lies in the balance, of course, as Kloppenburg has essentially made it clear that she will void his new budget-balancing, union-busting legislation. Who cares if the state goes bankrupt? Kloppenburg has got backers to pay off....

First things first: I expect Kloppenburg to win. 600 votes is not enough to overcome the "margin of fraud" in states with a strong Democratic infrastructure. Expect mystery ballot boxes to appear in the 11th hour containing votes strictly for Kloppenbirg, votes that her machine will be quite disinclined to disallow. And as for the police preventing any fraud, well...if you saw their actions (or lack of) during the occupation of Wisconsin's state capital, you'll know they are the last ones to look towards to prevent election-rigging. You'd stand a better chance with the Mexican Policia....

But here's the key: With all of the screaming done by the Left, all of the support given by the media to their cause, all the money poured into the election by the unions, the best their candidate can do is hope to cheat their way in at the last minute. And this is in a state that is traditionally liberal...

What does that say about the level of attention the people of Wisconsin are paying to the issues at hand, as opposed to the noise machines around them? Barack Obama is attempting to raise $1 billion dollars (cue Dr. Evil) for his 2012 re-election effort. If an underfunded, obscure Republican judge can hold his own against violent leftist protests, biased media, and a ton of union cash, does it really matter how much money Obama spends in 2012?

As the 2008 election was allegedly about "change", it looks like 2012 is going to be strictly about the message, not the messenger or the packaging. And Barack Obama is a poor salesman with a defective product. No slick ad campaign is going to change that fact. Looks like Obama's going to have to win on substance. Uh oh... The people are listening. Just not to the unions, or the president....

4 ความคิดเห็น:

seo ottawa กล่าวว่า...

Being proud of buying a judge seems very, well no other way to put it, on American. We need to get the unions out of the election process.

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

They are the single most corrupting influence on politics today. But them again, haven't they always been?

Atlanta Roofing กล่าวว่า...

I have to say I have become so cynical about close elections - I'm quite confident that Kloppenburg will steal this election via dead voters, illegal voters, votes "found in someone's back seat" and other miracles. If it does happen, I hope the Wisconsin governor and the other Republicans hold another vote on this same issue and this time, it goes through without a hitch or any way to circumvent the will of the people. Unions are scum.

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Unions keep slave labor off our shores. Im glad Kloppenburg won. I am not against republicans in general. But I am completely against this new batch of republicans who are working hard against the middle class and working poor.