วันพฤหัสบดี, กุมภาพันธ์ 19, 2552

Three Cheers for News Corp !

You want to know why liberals hate News Corp, and their progenies such as the Wall Street Journal , the New York Post, and FOX? Because the company is willing to take principled stands on matters of moral importance - stands that expose the cowardice of those who shirk from the same responsibilty, despite earnest claims to the contrary.

Let's move to Dubai for the rest of the story:

The Wall Street Journal Europe revoked its sponsorship of a Dubai women's tennis tournament after the United Arab Emirates declined to issue an entry visa to an Israeli player.

At a news conference in Dubai, one of the emirates, tournament organizers said they were concerned that the presence of the player, Shahar Peer, might spur protests or security problems because of Israel's incursion into Gaza.
The Journal Europe said in a statement that "The Wall Street Journal's editorial philosophy is free markets and free people, and this action runs counter to the Journal's editorial direction."

The Journal Europe also plans to pull a special tennis-themed advertising section scheduled for Monday and is withdrawing its sponsorship of a related men's tennis tournament beginning next week in Dubai.

And who is our embarrassed and no doubt enraged liberal counterpart here?

One other media outlet apparently remains a sponsor of the Emirates' restricted tourney. The Journal reports that "Newsweek declined to comment."

No suprise. The newsweeklies have become hotbeds of anti-semitism and anti-Israel bias since deciding to cater to whom they see as the "intellectual elite"; no doubt they see no incongruence between their actions and their editorial stance, at least when it comes to Jews.

Meanwhile, this is expected to continue:

A prominent group of Jewish-American leaders urged the Women's Tennis Association yesterday to punish the United Arab Emirates for barring Israeli player Shahar Peer from entering the country for a tournament this week.
The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations also called on international tennis authorities to cancel a men's tournament in Dubai next week unless the UAE allows Andy Ram, an Israeli, to participate.

We'll see. Given the mainstreaming of anti-Semitism these days, it's pretty easy to overlook this little bit of overt racism. Like 1939 all over again, even with the foreknowledge of where this ugly path takes us...

And where's our post-racial, bi-partisan president when all this is going down? Why, helping to arrange Durbin II, a repeat of the Jew-bashing hatefest that originated in the days just prior to 9/11.

Well, if the president's Attorney General is right, and we are a nation of cowards, then the yellow streak starts on top with Mr. Obama himself...

2 ความคิดเห็น:

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

All bigotry is wrong, it is hypocritical to assail one type and condone the other.

Can you get that through your head, or should I use smaller words?

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

No, No, no, RWN, you're getting Anon 1 all wrong - he's saying "there is nothing wrong with anti-semitism, only anti-black racism!"

I think I have his position right.