วันเสาร์, กุมภาพันธ์ 28, 2552

Tea Party Madness Across America !

(bumped, with new content)

There's something brewing in the heartland, folks, something this country hasn't seen in decades. The grass roots are rising up against the redistributionist socialists whom label themselves "Democrats".

Pictures and more from the Chicago Tea Party here. This is awesome:

The Chicago Tea Party was an unqualified success. I’m not an expert at judging crowd sizes, but there could’ve been as many as 500 to 1000 people there. In cold weather, in the middle of February, without paid organizers like the left has. Not bad. Imagine if we were paying people to come like the left does!

Gay Patroit reports from LA...

The Atlanta Tea Party draws close to 300 in a downpour! Video here

Looks like things were rockin' in Nashville as well

Michelle Malkin has pics from DC, including the best sign: "Your mortgage is not MY problem"!!

Lansing, Michigan - organizers get over 250 people out into the street with barely 72 hours notice!

Some pixs from the Tea Parties in Cleveland, Houston, Denver, and San Diego can be found here .

In the bellweather state of Missouri, over 1500 came out for a Tea Party at the Arch. Gateway Pundit has it all...

Change We Can Believe In! has a roundup of pictures from protests nationwide.

And this was not just the big cities, folks - Greenville, SC had a crowd estimated at close to 2000 people:

Jeff Collins said America needs to return to its conservative roots in order to pull out of the economic downturn.
He said he blames people like Sen. Lindsey Graham, who he said is "too liberal," and that he supports Sen. Jim DeMint. "We know both parties are at fault," he said.

Collins stood on the Main Street bridge, looking down at the crowd below. "What we're proposing here is a revolution," he said.

Finally, some encouraging words for the hardy patriots:

What we are seeing now is truly huge POTENTIAL for massive civil unrest against the American government gone lunatic with spending. Realistically, 400-1000 people at a protest, even at a dozen protests across the country, will do nothing to change the minds of our idiot leaders.

However, it creates the POTENTIAL that each protest could have a million. The Orange Revolution in Ukraine did not start out with two million people camping in tents in downtown Kiev. It started with only a few hundred diehard activists.

Conservatives and libertarians have never had a strong activist base, but this appears to be the time to start. They need to capture today’s momentum and hold bigger and bigger protests every week....

You’d be surprised. Within a month you could go from 500 to 50,000.

2 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

I think we need a NJ tea party. What say you?

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Jersey never rises....