วันศุกร์, พฤษภาคม 02, 2551

Filth From Across The Pond

To think that we as a nation were spawned from this decaying, decrepit husk:

Last Thursday Johann Hari, the leading political columnist for the British daily The Independent, received the (previously) highly prestigious Orwell Prize for political writing. The 29-year-old Hari “celebrated” by writing a vicious attack on Israel.

In his column in The Independent this week, he writes: “Whenever I try to mouth these words [of reassurance for Israel], a remembered smell fills my nostrils. It is the smell of shit.”

(In 2007, Hari was also named “Newspaper Journalist of the Year” by Amnesty International. He has also written for The New York Times and Le Monde.)

More on this prestigous prizewinner at Honest Reporting UK, which thoroughly catalogs Hari's knowing use of vicious, hateful lies in order to pursue his dream of a destroyed Israel.

But it seems as if Hari is an equal opportunity hate monger:

...there are so many good reasons to hate Joseph Ratzinger...

But back to our estwhile parental units, the Brits. Should they tolerate this type of speech?

Should it get printed in its major newspapers?
Well, this little spat speaks to what the British really want to read, doesn't it? Or at the very least, what their elites feel is important for them to read. Hence the "decay" I refer to up top...

Should the author of such a barely disguised anti-Semetic rampage get a top literary award from an alleged panel of judges?

Ah, there we are. This type of speech is not just tolerated, not just printed in the top dailies, but rewarded. And what does that say about the soul of our European forefathers?

Decayed. Decrepit. Empty.

And they are following the path of so many similar societies - societies that either no longer exist (Nazi Germany) or are helplessly retrograde (the Muslim Middle East). The path of "blame the Jews" - first, last, and always.

Good luck with that. It's worked so well in the past.

Can we disown you now?

Not convinced? From The Orwell Prize website - besides our loving friend Mr. Hari, who else has one an Orwell this year? No suprise to find out is is another "blame the Jews first" tome:

Palestinian Walks: Notes on a Vanishing Landscape (Profile books), describes - through a series of six walks over 26 years - the destruction of the Palestinian landscape, and how it mirrors the destruction of Palestinian identity and culture.

Finally - who where these esteemed judges, whom through must what have been an exhaustive search, found these highly qualified honorees? Well, here's an interesting coincidence:

Albert Scardino – Annual Judge: Albert Scardino is a former executive editor for the home and foreign departments of The Guardian, and a former adviser to the Democratic Party in the United States.

No suprise, that. Sounds like one of Obama's guys, actually.

Where does this all lead? Here.

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Erica กล่าวว่า...

I will always do my part to fight socialism, national or otherwise, to the death. Freedom is a thing that is simply not to be taken away without a fight.

I was just telling someone in en email this morning that, aside from US Troops defending our freedoms overseas, my heroes have always been Jewish resistance leaders.

In spite of their small numbers, and being severely malnourished and diseased, they managed to stage some of the most heroic fights against the Nazis, one of which actually forced the closure of the concentration camp Sobibor, and others which simply resulted in the deaths of many Nazis.

Like terrorists, the only good Nazis are dead Nazis (except for Schindler, and Joseph Ratzinger, who I happen to like very much, the latter of whom I don't even consider a Nazi, unlike that asswipe Bill Maher, who I find very Nazi-like).

Never forget!

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Good stuff Erica, and especially important to remember as Israel turns 60. However, I think that as Israel's anniversary is "celebrated" across the globe, we'll see more words like Hari's as opposed to the events that led to the Jewish state, and what is has taken to maintain it.