วันจันทร์, พฤศจิกายน 19, 2550


"Right, Wing Nut!" is taking a break - perhaps permanent, perhaps not.

Both the quantity and quality of my posting has diminshed lately. There's a few reasons for that:

- I have a new job (well, since last May) which sucks up much of what used to be "free time". Not necessarily complaining (yet), nice to get paid close to what my value is, but boy-oh-boy do they extract their pound of flesh.

- somewhat related is that Blogger is one of the few sites that is inaccessible from my office computer; which disallows the old "lunchtime post". It's always been a dangerous game, as I have been in the media business for some time (a tough place for a conservative), but now as a full time employee of one of the major "MSM" outlets, caution in this regard would probably make sense anyway.

-most importantly, my passion has dimished.

Really, am I adding anything new to the dialogue? Lately I have done more "reporting" than analysis; and I always felt that context and analysis is one of the most important functions of the blogosphere (one the MSM sorely lacks). There is plenty to write about, both locally and nationally, and yet I cannot rouse myself to do more of the important work; with multiple links backing up my "thesis statement", or debunking another's false hypothesis. These have been my best read, best linked, and most "meaningful" works (even occasionally drawing responses/rebukes from public officials -sweet!); and I honestly haven't done a good one in a long, long time.

Lately I don't feel I've made a dime's worth of difference (if I ever did!). If I am simply reprinting a news article or someone else's post with a few snarky comments of my own, well... what is the point?

Interestingly enough, my readership has steadily increased while my "inbound links" have steadily decreased. Maybe snark is my forte? If so, then that is a different project altogether...!

So I am taking some time off until I find myself again. I love to write (although I do not have the talent or wit of some), and I will begin posting again. I do not know if it will be here under the guise of The Jerseynut, or if it will be something completely different. I do have many stories I would love to tell (it's been "a wonderful life", for which I thank God) that are not politically related; perhaps I will shutter this old storefront up for good and hang a shingle in another far-off corner of the 'sphere, sitting in the digital equivalent of a rocking chair on the wooden deck of a rural cottage, spinnin' my yarns...or perhaps I will return here, with a more certain and strong voice.

Time will tell.

Special thanks to the 75+ folk who seem to stop by here on a daily basis; I appreciate and honor the respect you have shown me.

I think I'll simply post a picture on top of my final disquisition here, kind of like a test pattern that TV stations used to run when they "signed off" for the evenings. I'll switch it every now and again, just so one may know that I still live in some way, shape, or form. Maybe it'll go off one day and I will start here anew, like a small-town TV station returning to the air at 5AM on a dead morning.

And should I decide to re-appear elsewhere, I promise I will leave at least a hint of a forwarding address...

Thank you. Thank you all, very much.

Be well.

12 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Bummer, this. Really.

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Real bummer! I'm one of those 75 who stops by on a daily basis....fellow Jersey Guy and all that. I always find your writings refreshing and informative.....like Jimbo's! ;-) I wish you nothing but good luck in your gig!!

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Thanks Jim! But it is easier for me to sit on the bench for a while knowing that you are still carrying the flag for us!

And Jerry, thank you for stopping by so often. I don't believe at this moment that I will be gone forever (jeebus, that sounded so Clintonesque!); check back every now and again!

Erica กล่าวว่า...

No surprise, having read your email this morning, but I would like to say that I have always enjoyed your writing and agree with everything you say [I’m the proverbial choir, you might say].

God strike me down for saying this, but I wear a teeny-tiny feather in my cap for knowing more about Jersey politics than one from Brooklyn ought to know, thanks to you and Jimbo, who has both way more talent and wit in his pinky than I could ever hope for in 10 lifetimes.

Next time you’re in the City, and have a few hours to knock back a few — and it’s a pay week for me — definitely give me a holler and I’ll be there in a jiffy. We must shoot a few games of pool, over which I will threaten you to create a new url, or re-establish the old one.

Just…re-think the whole thing, OK? Also, not 100% sure about this, but do we work for the same MSM outfit?

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Looking forward to your return,

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Bro, I think you are being a bit self-critical with the whole "not making a difference" thing - who really knows if they've made one or not? Seems like the scores aren't tallied until after you are dead anyway; and does it make a difference at that point?
But I respect your right to bail. As long as the fustration of Jersey politics isn't the cause. Can't let the bad guys win!

Come back soon!

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Take the rest of the year off, come back around election time. Plenty of matyerial that should get you going then!

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Thanks Erica, JKW, and my Anonymous friends for the kind words!
I do hope to be back....

Enlighten-NewJersey กล่าวว่า...

I know the feeling of futility, but it was good to know you were there offering well reasoned opinions and spot on snark.

You will be missed.

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Sorry to hear it, but I know exactly how you feel. Recently I hate to turn my computer on and check email. Posting is something I'm having to force myself to do. I understand now why some bloggers invite "guest" bloggers or other authors to take up the slack. I'm just tired...

Keep us informed occasionally as to your situation friend.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Thanks, Enlighten...but with the elections coming up in less than a year, will we need to be called back to duty some time in 2008? To dust off our keyboards, and fight the good (but often fruitless, in this state) fight?

And Debbie, I know how you feel as well! Your blog provides such a wealth of information, but I know how time-consuming it is.
Funny how op-ed writers get all the credit, but they write maybe two columns a week with nary a nod to messy things such as "facts", while the likes of us would never dream of posting without support links and backup. And to think, we get paid...

I will keep in touch Debbie, and I will continue to stop in at Right Truth! I still expect to return some day....

Zoooma กล่าวว่า...

Oh no, I've only just found you but it appears to late. Oh well, I wish you well and I'll check back to see if you've come to life again. Always good to connect with my fellow New Jerseyans... especially when I'm like 92,000 miles way from there!