วันจันทร์, ตุลาคม 01, 2550

Bad Karma

The New York Mets did not have a chance yesterday from the outset; and no, it wasn't just another vintage Tom Glavine (New York era) performance that did them in. No, they were doomed by their decision to give the coveted pregame national anthem slot to New York City councilwoman Melinda Katz (D-Queens); and they were bitten hard by the instant negative karma of liberal policies. The Daily News has her sob story; but even Melinda is saavy enough to know:

An appearance on the field when the Mets fans can still dare to believe will hardly hurt Katz's own hopes to become the next city controller...

She made clear yesterday that she harbors no illusions about why she was invited to sing.

"I have no doubt if I wasn't an elected official I wouldn't have the opportunities," she said. "I can hold a tune, but..."

Miss Katz is a nanny-state lefty par excellence...see
here for an interesting attempt to place a Borg-like (or a Bender-like?) waiter at most nightclubs in the five boroughs; see here as she demands that Mayor Bloomberg use emminent domain to stop development projects that she opposes, and look here to see how she proposes Council oversight to help prevent the entrance of big-box superstores to neighborhoods that need them most.

Maybe a good person for the Mets owernship to have an "in" with? After all, if she wins the primary, she is a sho-in to become the next New York City comptroller in 2009, just about the time when the new Citi Field will be ready to open....

Well, Miss Katz must be pleased with the outcome, as it falls within her philosophical parameters - the Marlins, the weaker team, confiscated a win from a team who - while needing it to stay alive - already had plenty more "W's"than they did. And jeez, the media circus that would have come to Queens with another postseason run? Did the City Council have an opportunity to review this huge influx of business into the district? And my G-d, would there be enough Robo-waiters to watch every single beer-drinker in the stands?

Instant karma is a bitch, Mr. Wilpon. Next time, see if we can get that
John Amirante fellow...

{Listen below...National Anthem at Madison Square Garden during Game 4 of the Eastern Conference Quarterfinals between the New York Rangers and Atlanta Thrashers Apil 2007. Rangers win, baby!! Thanks to a powerful, conservative national anthem..!!}

2 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

imaginative, if a bit farfetched.
BTW there are better Youtube clips of Amirante out there.

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Melinda Katz did not sing the National Anthem prior to the game. She sang God Bless America during the Seventh Inning Stretch.