วันเสาร์, กรกฎาคม 14, 2550

South Jersey Snaps

Ah, vacation in the sourthernmost tip of the state...the view from my beachfront terrace:

Mmmm, that South Jersey surf - dolphins came to visit almost daily; couldn't get any photos of the slippery fellas, but can you blame them for belly flopping in this cool water?

Happy gull gets his feet wet while keeping an eye out for struggling crabs:

Hard to believe you can see a sunset like this in New Jersey, right?

Or a sunrise like this?

So I stopped off at Atlantic City on the way home, and this was the view off my room at the Borgota:

I think it looks kinda cool; remember this is the type of wind turbine that fat Teddy Kennedy refuses to allow up in Massachusetts; he derides them as "eyesores". Well, I think utility poles and power plant stacks are eyesores, too, but we live with them as the cost of enjoying electricity. Hopefully we can become equally adjusted to these 'mills; personally, I think there is something majestic about them, and I could live with one on every street corner if necessary if that's what it takes to defund the mullahs of the Middle East...

See? I'm getting on a rant already...it's good to get away, and good to be home...

2 ความคิดเห็น:

joated กล่าวว่า...

There are plans to erect 76 of these wind turbines on the ridge running above the Aerie (my north-central PA home) outside Mansfield, PA. I've seen them elsewhere and you're right, they are majestic in appearance.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Glad you agree! Too bad the politicans are less than excited about this renewable resource; probably because wind turbines do not require some sort of tax hike that they can take advantage of....