วันพฤหัสบดี, มิถุนายน 28, 2550

Bob Menendez on immigration - the right thing, the wrong reasons...

Ah, only from the leftiest of the left...that's New Jersey's own Senator Bob Menendez, debating out loud whether or not he'll support the immigration bill working its way through Congress, cause, you know, it doesn't leave the border wide open enough:

Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., was among those disappointed Wednesday. The Senate voted 55-40 to reject his amendment that would have made it easier for some immigrants to obtain visas for family members left behind in their home countries.
"This action does nothing to allay my concerns about the increasingly right-wing tilt to these proceedings, and it makes it more difficult to vote in favor of invoking cloture on the bill," Menendez said, referring to Thursday's crucial vote to limit debate.

This bill is insane ("right wing tilt" ?? So is Menendez...), one of the worst pieces of legislation ever foisted upon a public against their will. (Mark Steyn: They'll teach this one as a textbook definition of "bipartisanship": both parties gang up on the electorate). Methinks in the end Menendez will vote for it - he's in place to serve the whim of the Hispanic community and pose with Governor Corzine, not to represent the state as a whole - and he'll welcome the additional illegals into New Jersey, where they'll get better services and benefits than the middle class citizens who are footing the bill.

I can almost feel Menendez's dirty hands rummaging through my pockets....

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Erica กล่าวว่า...

Wow, you're saying New Jersey has a middle class? 'Cause I don't even think New York has one of those anymore. It sure as shit ain't me. And I certainly ain't upper class, either.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

The East Coast middle class is leaving, Erica - taxed out of existence by liberal politicans who see us as a money tree to fund all of their wacky social policies.

Ironic that the left, so renown for their caring and soft hearts, are the ones relentlessly causing the extinction of an entire social class of humanity.

I'm gonna die laughing. And I'll expect to find the good Lord in stitches, too...