This theory, with some (but not complete) evidence, is harrowing. And ultimately believable.
....what about the origins of the Wuhan virus itself? Could it have been bio-engineered at the Wuhan Institute of Virology? This linked article is from a virology lab in India that first discovered HIV-1 protein inserts in the COVID-19 virus.
The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature. This work provides yet unknown insights on 2019-nCoV and sheds light on the evolution and pathogenicity of this virus with important implications for diagnosis of this virus.
There are two different coronaviruses. One is extremely deadly, the other is much less deadly, killing only 1-3%, and mostly old people.
Both of the viruses were manufactured in the Chinese germ warfare lab in Wuhan, China. One of the viruses contains proteins from the HIV-1 (AIDS) virus. The other doesn’t. The HIV proteins were independently discovered by a virology lab in India, and then several weeks later by a lab in the US. In both cases the discovery was quickly withdrawn or “debunked”. Why? In the first case the news was squelched by the Chinese State News Agency complaining to the government of India (i.e., for international relations). In the second case other labs were looking at the virus type that does not contain HIV proteins, when they did not know there were two types.
What happened? The more deadly virus got loose in Wuhan in December 2019. The Chinese government reacted with extreme force that could only be applied by a totalitarian government. They quarantined over 20 million people. Travel was frozen. They rounded up and sequestered anybody who had a fever. Bodies were burned night and day in the crematories for two weeks — many thousands of bodies; we may never know how many, but smoke filled the air for miles downwind. The less deadly virus was quickly released and deliberately spread by Chinese agents as quickly as possible in China, and perhaps even in other countries as well. Why? The less deadly version of the virus gives immunity to the more deadly version, just like cowpox gives immunity to smallpox. By releasing and spreading the less deadly version the Chinese were protecting the majority of their people, and actually protecting people all over the world, from the more deadly version.

The germ warfare tactic would have been to release the less deadly version in China first, let most of the Chinese people get infected and cured, and then to release the more deadly version on their enemies. That would preserve the majority of Chinese while killing the majority of their enemies, and probably the rest of the world. Then China would own the world. I believe it is a fortuitous act of God that the virus got loose.
At first it was theorized that the HIV proteins that were added to the deadly version would transmit AIDS. That is wrong. The COVID-19 version containing HIV-1 proteins does not transmit AIDS. The function of the HIV proteins is, like AIDS does, to delay the body’s immune system response to the virus until the virus spreads more completely throughout the lungs. A Japanese virologist discovered that, like most corona and flu viruses, temperatures as low as 80 deg. F kill the virus. Organ damage can occur as well by having less oxygen in the blood. When the body’s immune system finally recognizes that the body has been invaded by the more deadly type, it over reacts. It is the over-reaction of the body’s own immune system that kills, and that is true with either type of COVID-19 coronavirus, just more so with the more deadly type. The more deadly virus solicits a delayed and more violent reaction from the body’s own immune system.
It is very fortunate for us that the less deadly version of the virus is spreading rapidly in America because the less deadly version of the virus gives immunity to the more deadly version. It is highly likely that people will contract this version and not even know they have it, but it will provide them with immunity to the more deadly strain...
Is this why governments are taking such over-precautions (including the suspension of civil liberties) over a virus that has killed less than the flu does in a typical season? Do they know the truth - that the Wu-Flu's deadliness is due to it being biologically manufactured to kill?
We may never know. But take some care...
UPDATE: This link from UK Express seems to be in & out, but...
UPDATE II: And......we are blocked in China.