Right, Wing-Nut!
...a small subsidiary of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy!
Sunday, July 14, 2024
Friday, October 13, 2023
Aryeh Alexander Sandler, the late 5-year-old
The late Gabriel Issachar Sandler, 3 years old
The late Daniel Aryeh Wiplich, 16 years old The late Elad Fogel, 4 years old The late Hadas Vogel is three months old The late Yoav Fogel, 10 years old The late Yonatan Palmer, one year old The late Shlomo Nativ, 13 years old The late Segev Paniel Avihil, 15 years old Yonatan Yitzhak Elder, 16 years old Yondav Chaim Hirshfeld, 18 years old The late Naria Cohen, 15 years old The late Yohai Lifshitz, 18 years old The late Avraham David Mozes, 16 years old The late Roy Aharon Roth, 18 years old The late Eliyahu Pinchas Ashari, 18 years old The late Mazel Zaribi, 15 years old The late Daniel Waltz, 16 years old The late Amir Naim, 17 years old Shaked Lasker, the late 16-year-old The late Omer Menashe Pisakhov, 8 years old Ella Aboxis, the late 17-year-old The late Rachel Hali ben Abu, 16 years old The late Oz Israel ben Meir, 14 years old The late Nofer Horvitz, 16 years old The late Avihai Levi, 16 years old The late Aviad Yehuda Mansour, 15 years old The late Yuval Abba, 4 years old The late Afik Ohion Zahavi, 3 years old The late Lior Azoulai, 18 years old The late Aviel Yitzhak Atch, 3 years old Two-year-old Dorit from the late Binsan movie The late Roni Sarah Hatuel, 6 years old The late Merav Rachel Hatuel is two years old The late Hila Esther Hatuel, 10 years old The late Hadar Simcha Hatuel, 9 years old Son Jonathan Zuckerman, 18 years old The late Lior Liorinka Niv, 3 years old The late Gilad Giladi Niv, 11 years old The late Avraham Shaked is one year old The late Tomer Almog, 9 years old The late Habib Dadon, 16 years old The late Benjamin Bergman, 15 years old The late Avraham Bar-Or, 12 years old The late Shmuel Zargari, one year old Noya Zar, the late Aviv, one year old Liran Zer Aviv, the late 4-year-old The late Erez Gizro Hershkowitz, 18 years old The late Tom Hershko, 15 years old The late Daniel Harosh, 16 years old The late Shmuel Taubenfeld, one year old The late Moran Menachem, 17 years old The late Yuval Mandelwitz, 13 years old The late Abigail Lytle, 14 years old The late Noam Leibovitz, 7 years old The late Tehila Natanzan, 3 years old The late Elisheva Meshulami, 16 years old The late Elizabeth Liz Katzman, 19 years old Asaf Blondi Tzur Zollinger, the late 17-year-old The late Smeder Firstetter, 16 years old The late Asaf Steyer, 10 years old The late Issachar Dov Reinitz, 9 years old The late Tal Kerman, 17 years old The late Shani Avitzedek Abutzadeka, 16 years old The late Asnat Abramov, 16 years old Matan Ohion, the late 5-year-old The late Noam Levi Ohion, 4 years old The late Yael Ohana, 11 years oldFriday, November 25, 2022
The Biggest Truth Bomb To Come Out of The FTX Collapse...
...is this snarky utterance from Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO of FTX, and Democratic donor to the tune of $50M+, during a Twitter interview with Vox:
All "SBF" is doing is lifting the veil here, saying something we all already knew: Spouting left-wing bullshit and contributing to Democratic candidates is simply a payment of indulgences, in order to protect one's wealth from being targeted by the rabid, ravenous progressive elite.
Will an embarrassed media now do more scrutiny before lionizing those who mouth all the right bromides and invest in all the right causes? Have they learned anything, as they watch the man/boy they once compared to Warren Buffet, devolve into the next Bernie Madoff? Have they become more insightful, seeing Theranos CEO ("OMG - a female tech entrepreneur !!") Elizabeth Holmes sentenced to over a decade in the stony lonesome?
Maybe - if they were any actual journalists left in the industry - you'd see some mea culpas.
But propogandists are gonna propagandize. So they will give a moment's pause, and move on to more of the same...
So one can say that's two truth bombs that came out here.Although I should append the title with the addendum "So Far..."
Monday, January 31, 2022
Canadian Truckers Protest, and Leftists...
...turn into Fascists, as they do every time.
The only good protest is a government-sanctioned protest - assuming the government is in the hands of the Left, of course.
Otherwise you wind up on the receiving end of their anger and hatred, as seen in the WaPost:
Analysis: #Truth:
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Thursday, August 19, 2021
Joe Biden: From Saigon to Kabul
An old man still thinks it is 1972, and through the fog of a failing memory, forgets his past mistakes - or perhaps, thru the stubborn pride of old age, refuses to admit them, and double-downs with petulance.
But reality intruded upon a sunsetting senility, and the song remains the same: allies abandoned, the innocent being slaughtered, chaos, fear, and the coming of Night - which, like Winter in GOT, will last for a long, long time.
The Washington Post, of all places:
Other senators who supported Biden at the time were taken aback by their young colleague’s “didactic performance,” the columnists wrote.
Nearly half a century later, Biden’s attitude toward the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan has been strikingly similar — even as events echo the frantic evacuation of Americans and those who helped them in South Vietnam.
I had to look up didactic:
...intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive.
"a didactic novel that set out to expose social injustice"
Ignorance mixed with hubris, with a moral righteousness that will broke no argument.
Defines most liberals these days. And if you think the Fall of Kabul is bad, wait until you see what Joe and his cronies have in store for America...
Pictures from a (recurring) nightmare: