Sunday, August 12, 2012

Yahoo! Sees Paul Ryan As Our New Nosferatu...

This cropped photo is what they used on their homepage within the last hour :

Here's the vampire Nosferatu:

In context, here's the photo as used to highlight a story blatantly  intended to dampen voter enthusiasm over the Ryan selection as VP:

Gaunt, unshaven, red eyes, lips curled....just Photoshop in a brush mustache, and we'll be exactly where we expected to be.   

Well, I suppose that's the only picture of Ryan available.  Oh, wait...

Or maybe it was just meant to counter this...

Sarah Palin all over again?  Well, they're gonna try...

(more of my beefs with Yahoo's slanted news service herehere,  here here and here, and here and here...) 

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