Sunday, August 05, 2012

Staples vs. Solyndra

You know, every now and then this Mitt Romney fellow can really bring it:

And while Barack Obama may bemoan the lack of a narrative, or "a story", for which to seduce the American people with during his 2012 re-election campaign, he sure seems to have provided Mr. Romney with a few very good ones...

Maybe that's one particular wealth that Mr. Obama really didn't want to spread?

Well, at least the president can credibly claim that Mitt Romney "did not build that" narrative, and in fact he couldn't have done it without government assistance....although I'm thinking this would be one occasion that Barack might want to leave that infamous storyline behind...


  1. Anonymous9:49:00 AM

    What could you possibly expect from a demon-rat?

    The vile, disgusting, utterly ruthless blog at

    comes to mind.

  2. Anonymous12:07:00 PM

    Solyndra - and what it represents - isn't important. Neither is Obamacare, or the deficit, or 8.3% unemployment. The only thing that matters is Mitt Romney's tax returns. Just ask the media, they'll tell you.
