Awww...Michelle Obama, so wrongly painted as a modern-day Marie Antoinette, is really just one of us middle-class proles after all! Look, here she is shopping at Target ! It was only coincidentally that there happened to be an AP photographer present to snap her folksy photo...
I'm surprised, actually. I didn't realized Target had moved so upscale, and now sold bracelets valued at more than an average working man's salary - these are priced at approximately $42K:
I didn't know they sold Loree Rodkin earring either. Because her jewelry usually runs anywhere from $5K to $300K. That's some serious income redistribution....
And I'm not sure about the bottom of her two diamond bracelet cuffs in this photo, but the top one alone has been valued at over $17,000:
But hey - she's one of us! That is, if you picture Americans as under-worked, overweight looters who rape the taxpayers so as to jet around the world covered in ill-gotten bling....
Which is probably exactly the way Michelle Obama sees us...
Who tipped off AP? Why, the WH of course. How transparent!