An old man still thinks it is 1972, and through the fog of a failing memory, forgets his past mistakes - or perhaps, thru the stubborn pride of old age, refuses to admit them, and double-downs with petulance.
But reality intruded upon a sunsetting senility, and the song remains the same: allies abandoned, the innocent being slaughtered, chaos, fear, and the coming of Night - which, like Winter in GOT, will last for a long, long time.
The Washington Post, of all places:
Other senators who supported Biden at the time were taken aback by their young colleague’s “didactic performance,” the columnists wrote.
Nearly half a century later, Biden’s attitude toward the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan has been strikingly similar — even as events echo the frantic evacuation of Americans and those who helped them in South Vietnam.
I had to look up didactic:
...intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive.
"a didactic novel that set out to expose social injustice"
Ignorance mixed with hubris, with a moral righteousness that will broke no argument.
Defines most liberals these days. And if you think the Fall of Kabul is bad, wait until you see what Joe and his cronies have in store for America...
Pictures from a (recurring) nightmare: